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Molecular Hydrogen, Cymbiotika

Molecular Hydrogen, Cymbiotika

Regular price $51.00 AUD
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Molecular Hydrogen serves as a powerful antioxidant within the body. Due to its minuscule size, it crosses cellular barriers and absorbs easily throughout the body. Hydrogen may provide balance in the body by neutralising free radical damage and oxidative stress. If we are able to minimise free radical damage & oxidative stress we can extend our longevity.

Produces 12ppm of Molecular Hydrogen per serving


  • Reducing harmful effects of free radicals

  • Reducing oxidative stress

  • May improve athletic recovery

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

PRO-TIP:  Take 2 servings of Molecular Hydrogen and 1-2 servings of Cymbiotika’s Mineral Shilajit daily for overall longevity and improved cellular function.


Magnesium, Malic Acid, Dextrose, Tartaric Acid, Adipic Acid 


Dissolve one tablet in 12-16 oz of room temperature water. Drink immediately. Best taken 30 minutes apart from food and on an empty stomach. Do not swallow the tablet directly.*

May repeat up to twice a day. 

Store: Keep in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Disclaimer: If you are pregnant, nursing a baby, or have a chronic medical condition such as diabetes, hypertension or heart disease, be sure to consult your doctor or pharmacist before purchasing or taking any supplement.

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